Scioto Properties News

Empowering Your Child with Disabilities: Crafting a Future Full of Potential

Written by Lauren Fedele | Aug 30, 2023 12:42:07 PM

Every parent dreams of a successful future for their child. When you are raising a child with disabilities, there's an added layer of advocacy and determination that comes into play. This guide will provide you with actionable steps, resources, and advice on setting your child on a path to a fulfilled and independent adulthood. 


Childhood: Building a Resilient Foundation 
Childhood is a critical phase for all children, but especially for those with disabilities. Early intervention programs offer tailored developmental plans that cater to individual needs, promoting cognitive, physical, and social-emotional growth. 


Action Steps and Resources: 

  • Leverage Public School Resources: Public schools often have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that cater to the specific needs of children with disabilities. Engage with school guidance counselors, therapists, and special educators to design a plan that aligns with your child's strengths and challenges. 
  • Diversify Learning Environments: Apart from traditional schools, consider programs like Montessori or Waldorf, which can offer more personalized and tactile learning experiences. Identify your child's learning style, be it visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, and choose programs that cater to those strengths. 
  • Promote Social Inclusion: Encourage participation in inclusive community activities. Whether it's a local library's reading club, a community center's art class, or a neighborhood sports team, these activities foster social skills and friendships. 


Pro-Tip: Celebrate every achievement, no matter how small, to foster a positive mindset and reinforce self-worth. 


Early Teens: Self-Discovery 
Teens often struggle with finding themselves and feeling a sense of belonging. This can be even harder for those with disabilities, highlighting the need for extra support and understanding. 

Action Steps and Resources: 

  • Empower Emotional Growth: Facilitate open conversations about their feelings and experiences. Encourage them to set goals, both short-term and long-term. Clubs like drama, debate, robotics, or sports like swimming, adapted soccer, etc., can be avenues for them to explore passions and develop a sense of belonging. 
  • Teach Vital Life Skills: Beyond academics, equip them with practical skills. Think about enrolling them in community center programs that offer classes in cooking, budget management, time-management, and public transportation navigation. 


Pro-Tip: Early teen years are a time of rapid change. Regular check-ins, active listening, and patience can bridge any communication gaps, providing them with a safety net of understanding and guidance. 


Teens & Early-Adulthood: The Pursuit of Independence 
As teens transition to adulthood, autonomy becomes a key desire. It's essential to understand that the lack of autonomy can have detrimental effects on their mental health and self-worth. The journey towards independence paves the way for self-confidence and a deeper understanding of one's capabilities. 

Action Steps and Resources: 

  • Empower With Knowledge: Equip them with comprehensive knowledge of their rights. Familiarize them with the Olmstead Act, which advocates for their rights, especially in housing and community-based services. Resources like the Center for Parent Information & Resources (CPIR) and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) can provide invaluable guidance.  
  • Plan for the Long-Term: Engage in discussions about long-term goals such as a career, housing, and personal growth. Establishing goals early on ensures a roadmap to success and fulfillment. 
  • Engage in the Community: Participating in community activities not only fosters a sense of belonging but also enriches life experiences. Consider joining local clubs, community service projects, or even support groups like the National Parent to Parent Network (NPTPN) where they can connect with peers facing similar challenges. 


Pro-Tip: Open conversations about their ambitions and fears can provide clarity and direction, ensuring they feel heard and understood. 


Adulthood: Crafting a Path of Self-fulfillment 
Achieving autonomy in early adulthood is not just about independence; it's about dignity, self-worth, and mental well-being. A lack of autonomy can lead to feelings of isolation, dependency, and lowered self-esteem. 


Action Steps and Resources: 

  • Teach and Uphold Their Rights: Ensure they are well-versed with acts like the Olmstead Act, which safeguards their rights to community living and services. Resources such as the Department of Justice and the National Disability Rights Network can be instrumental in guiding and advocating for their rights. 
  • Building a Support Network: Encourage them to connect with professionals, join support groups, and engage in community events that resonate with their interests, whether it is art, sports, or social causes. 
  • Explore local housing options: Community-based housing places people with disabilities in regular neighborhoods, making them feel at home while getting the help they need. In these settings, they make friends, learn social skills, and more. Scioto Properties helps find homes that service providers use to care for these individuals. For parents, this mix of a residential home setting and professional care means peace of mind, knowing their child is safe and happy. 


Pro-Tip: Visit to access your state's Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) website. Once there, you can discover a comprehensive list of local providers." 


Looking Ahead 

Navigating the journey of parenthood is a complex task, especially when raising a child with disabilities. However, with careful planning, the right resources, and support, parents can empower their children to lead fulfilling, autonomous lives. The transition from childhood to adulthood is paved with challenges and milestones. By ensuring that our children have the tools, skills, and knowledge they need at each phase, we not only set them up for success but also instill in them the confidence to face the world head-on. Remember, every child is unique, with their own strengths, aspirations, and challenges. Embrace their individuality, advocate for their rights, and always keep the lines of communication open. In doing so, you will build a foundation of trust and understanding that will last a lifetime. 


